Wednesday 24 June 2015



A natural disaster hits, the power goes off and the lights go out. It's a common scene that plays out during hurricane and tornado seasons, and it's very similar in trying to explain sudden cardiac arrest. The heart sustains an insult, the electricity is short circuited, the heart can't pump, and the body dies.
The heart is an electrical pump, where the electricity is generated in special pacemaker cells in the upper chamber, or atrium, of the heart. This electrical spark is carried through pathways in the heart so that all the muscle cells contract at once and produce a heart beat. This pumps blood through the heart valves and into all the organs of the body so that they can do their work.
This mechanism can break down in a variety of ways, but the final pathway in sudden death is the same: the electrical system is irritated and fails to produce electrical activity that causes the heart to beat. The heart muscle can't supply blood to the body, particularly the brain, and the body dies. Ventricular fibrillation (V Fib) is the most common reason for sudden death in patients. Without a coordinated electrical signal, the bottom chambers of the heart (ventricles) stop beating and instead, jiggle like Jello. Ventricular Fibrillation is treated with electrical shock, but for it to be effective, the shock usually needs to happen within less than four to six minutes, not only for it to be effective, but also to minimize brain damage from lack of blood and oxygen supply. Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) are commonly available in public places to allow almost anybody to treat sudden death. Less commonly, the heart can just stop beating. The absence of a heart beat is known as asystole (asystole: a=no + systole=beat).

What are the causes of sudden cardiac arrest?

Sudden death is most often caused by heart disease. When blood vessels narrow, the heart muscle can become irritated because of lack of blood supply. In heart attack (acute myocardial infarction), a blood vessel becomes completely blocked by a blood clot, and there is enough irritability of the muscle to cause ventricular fibrillation. In fact, the reason many people with chest pain are admitted to the hospital is to monitor their heart rate and rhythm for signs that might lead to ventricular fibrillation. Sudden death may also be the first sign or symptom of heart disease.
Congestive heart failure and heart valve problems, like aortic stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve) also increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.
Cardiomyopathy is a broad category of heart disease where the heart muscle does not contract properly for whatever reason. Often it is ischemic, where part of the heart muscle doesn't get an adequate blood supply for a prolonged period of time and no longer can efficiently pump blood. People whose ejection fractions (the amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each heart beat) is less than 30% are at greater risk for sudden death (a normal ejection fraction is above 50%). In some people, cardiomyopathy may develop in the absence of ischemic heart disease.
Inflammation of the heart muscle, known as myocarditis (myo=muscle + card=heart + itis= inflammation), can also cause rhythm disturbances. Diseases like sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, and infections can cause inflammation of the heart muscle.
Some people are born with electrical conducting systems that are faulty, which place them at higher risk for rhythm disturbances. Some are due to the wiring, or electrical conduction system, like Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, while others are due to the structural basic structural problems within the heart, like Marfan syndrome.
Pulmonary embolus or a blood clot to the lung, can also cause sudden death. Clots form in the leg or arm and may break off and flow to the lung where they decrease the lung's ability to get oxygen from the air to the body. Risk factors for blood clots include surgery, prolonged immobilization (for example, hospitalization, long car rides or plane trips), trauma, or certain diseases like cancer.
Blunt chest trauma, such is in a motor vehicle accident, may result in ventricular fibrillation. (please see commotion cordis below)  
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What are the symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest?

Cardiac arrest symptoms and signs are not subtle:
  • The heart stops beating and blood is not supplied to the body.
  • Almost immediate loss of consciousness occurs, and the affected person will not be able to be aroused.
  • The person will fall or slump over.
  • No pulse will is felt (palpable).
  • There will be no signs of breathing.

How is sudden cardiac arrest diagnosed?

Sudden cardiac arrest is an unexpected death in a person who had no known previous diagnosis of a fatal disease or condition. The person may or may not have heart disease.

What is the treatment for sudden cardiac arrest?

The vast majority of people whose heart stops beating unexpectedly have ventricular fibrillation. The definitive treatment for this is defibrillation using electricity to shock the heart back into a regular rhythm. With technological advances, AEDs are now a routine sight wherever people congregate.
Communities which institute public CPR education, use of AEDs, and rapid activation of 911 emergency medical services have dramatically increased survival rates from sudden cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, because the brain is so sensitive to the lack of oxygen and blood flow, unless treatment occurs within four to six minutes, there is a high risk of some permanent brain damage.
Should the patient survive to be transported to the hospital, the reason for collapse and sudden death will need to be diagnosed. Regardless, the ABCs of resuscitation will be re-evaluated. Airway, Breathing, and Circulation (heart beat and blood pressure) will be supported, and admission to an intensive care unit is most likely.
Diagnostic tests may include repeated electrocardiograms (EKGs), echocardiogram (ultrasounds of the heart), and cardiac catheterization and electrophysiologic studies, in which the electrical pathways of the heart are mapped.
Recent research involving the treatment of survivors of cardiac arrest suggests that prompt institution of hypothermia (cooling of the body) may prevent or lessen the degree of brain injury.
Survivors of sudden cardiac arrest are often candidates for implantable cardiac defibrillators.  Continue Reading

Can sudden cardiac arrest be prevented?

Death is best treated by prevention. Most sudden death is associated with heart disease, so the at-risk population remains males older than 40 years of age who smoke, have high blood pressure, and diabetes (the risk factors for heart attack). Other risks include syncope (fainting or loss of consciousness) and known heart disease.
Syncope, or loss of consciousness, is a significant risk factor for sudden death. While some reasons for passing out are benign, there is always a concern that the reason was an abnormal heart rhythm that subsequently spontaneously corrected. The fear is that the next episode will be a sudden cardiac arrest. Depending on the healthcare provider's suspicion based on the patient's history, physical examination, laboratory tests, and EKG, the healthcare practitioner may recommend inpatient or outpatient heart monitoring to try to find a clue as to whether the passing out was due to a deadly heart rhythm. Unfortunately, the potentially suspect rhythm may not recur and depending on the situation, prolonged outpatient monitoring lasting weeks and months may be necessary. Use of electrophysiologic testing may help identify high risk patients (the electrical pathways are mapped using techniques similar to heart catheterization).
In people with symptoms of chest pain, aside from making the diagnosis, monitoring both the heart rate and rhythm are emphasized. The purpose of watching people with chest pain in a hospital setting is to prevent sudden cardiac arrest.
Using implantable defibrillators in high risk patients, especially those with markedly decreased ejection fractions can reduce the incidence of sudden cardiac arrest. These devices are placed under the skin in the chest wall and have wires that are attached to the heart itself. When they detect ventricular fibrillation, a shock is automatically delivered to the heart, restoring a heart beat and averting sudden death. 
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Saturday 20 June 2015


The advantages of beans are numerous to the point that we can't say enough in applause for a beans diet. Sound beans are outstanding to the point that just green vegetables approach as an important nourishment source. Beans are so stacked with sustenance and taste that we've recorded nine reasons beneath to eat up tremendous amounts of beans – starting today.

Beans & Protein

Because of a persistent battle from sustenance commercial ventures, we have a very overstated thought of the measure of protein that is required by our bodies. Indeed, we just need a little rate of the sum we typically get. On the off chance that you staunchly decline to accept this announcement, consider mother's milk, which contains just 1.6 grams of protein for each 1/2 container, under one a large portion of the protein of bovine's milk. The best development a great time is the point at which we are infants, so in the event that we required tremendous measures of protein wouldn't mother's drain, the "ideal sustenance", give it?

Truth be told, there are not kidding perils to high protein diets. Two samples are: osteoporosis and kidney illness. The bone diminishing ailment of osteoporosis is a scourge in the United States and high measure of protein have undeniably had gigantic impact in this blast. High protein weight control plans cause calcium to be lost in the pee. This calcium does not originate from the meat – it originates from our bones. Creature items make uric corrosive which makes our blood acidic. Calcium is the mineral that is most required by the body to battle corrosiveness – and in its valiant endeavor to secure itself, the body pulls this required calcium from the bones, the most bounteous source we have.

Further, on the off chance that we eat more protein than the human body can utilize, it is separated and discharged which exhausts the kidneys by expanding the sum and stream of pee. The "nephrons", which are the kidneys channel units, slowly vanish all the while.

Thus, yes, we require protein – yet not an immense measure of it and the best exhortation is to stick to plants. A mixed bag of plant nourishments gives all the protein we need and, in opposition to a prevalent misconception, we don't have to "consolidate" those proteins in any extraordinary approach to get every one of the eight amino acids that the body doesn't deliver. That idea started with a compelling book, Diet For A Small Planet. The creator, Frances Moore Lappe, later abjured, conceding she was in blunder. If all mistakes were so promptly conceded!

Fiber And Beans

There are two sorts of fiber. The primary is "insoluble" fiber, assumed name 'roughage', which can't be utilized by the human body. Rather it proceeds onward through, doing waste items and poisons. The more insoluble fiber we have, the more improbable we are to hold nourishments inside our bodies which keeps them from rotting. Yes, that is a gross thought however that doesn't make it any less genuine.

"Dissolvable" fiber gets to be gooey and serves to process fats, brings down cholesterol and moderates the arrival of carbs into the circulatory system. Numerous have reported a lower cholesterol score just from expending more fiber.

Just, fiber is the thing that makes you feel full! Clearly, in the event that we feel full we will eat less and be more fulfilled, our hunger will be all the more effortlessly controlled and we will either get in shape or keep up a solid weight.

Fiber, Beans And Weight Loss

The most prevalent hypothesis of consuming less calories and weight reduction for a considerable length of time has spun around calories. Specialists have boisterously broadcasted that there is a changeless equation for calories in, calories out at the same time, actually, all calories are not the same on the grounds that a few calories oblige significantly more assimilation than others. The harder your body needs to work to process those calories, the less of them will be consumed. The distinction between a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of beans is startling. Actually, on the off chance that you'd like to decrease your calorie "cost" by 10%, include an additional 14 grams of fiber. This implies that in the event that you eat 2,000 calories for every day, and add 28 grams of fiber to your dinners, those calories will just "check" as 1600. Cool!

It's anything but difficult to get 30, 40, 50 or more grams of fiber a day. There are four sustenances that supply heaps of sound fiber …

* Beans

* Vegetables

* Fruits

* Whole grains

… and in a specific order, with beans being the best wellspring of fiber. Set an objective of no less than 40 grams for every day. Beans have pretty nearly 15 grams of fiber for each glass.

Fiber, Beans & Blood Sugar

Researchers rate how rapidly nourishments discharge their characteristic sugars into the circulation system utilizing a number called the glycemic file or GI. Nourishments on the low end of the glycemic scale discharge their regular sugars gradually more than a time of time. Likely most occupant in the western world have encountered the acclaimed 'sugar high' and scientists are certain that sugar – truly – acts like a medication on the human framework. Indeed, a few researchers have contrasted sugar with heroin!

Low glycemic sustenance's, then again, discharge their sugars all the more gradually and relentlessly, acting a consistent wellspring of vitality. These sustenances don't send your glucose soaring just to crash before long, bringing on your hankering to return and frequently making snacks overpowering.

Furthermore, in case you're overweight, your body tissues are no doubt more touchy to insulin, the hormone that controls your glucose.

What makes a nourishment low or high on the glycemic scale? It's about the starch atoms of the substance. With low-GI sustenance, the particles are stacked and thick and have been contrasted with a heap of logs holding up to be smoldered in the winter chimney. At the point when the operators of assimilation in your body – your chemicals – go to deal with these logs, it takes quite a while to smolder them and that is the reason your glucose isn't abundantly influenced.

High GI carbs are more like branches or twigs, with their atoms spread separated and encompassed by space. Your catalysts rapidly break them separated, discharging all their sugar into the blood at pretty much the same time.

Think about who's the undisputed champion of the low GI nutrition classes? The truth is out: vegetables – beans, peas, lentils – with green veggies being a nearby second, calorie for calorie.

A Beans Diet And Leptin

A couple of years back, it was found that a hormone named "leptin" [its name originates from the Greek word "leptos" which signifies 'thin'] controlled the human voracity. There was an unfathomable fervor over this disclosure and the eating less world hailed The Answer for every overweight people. Tragically, leptin from outside sources has hitherto been an enormous failure.

Leptin is made by our muscle to fat quotients' cells. At the point when the cells acknowledge there is sufficient food accessible, [meaning you're not starving yourself by dieting!] they discharge leptin into the circulation system which has two vital impacts:

* Your craving decays …

* Your digestion system is helped and in this manner calories are expended all the more rapidly …

Plant based, low-fat nourishments help to keep leptin levels high – while greasy sustenances, similar to creature items, smother your leptin supply. Furthermore, learn to expect the unexpected. Beans are just 2-3% fat which implies they raise your leptin levels and decrease voracity, while creating your digestion system to work harder and quicker.


Sum: 4 ounces

Calories: 306

Fat grams: 20

Protein grams: 23

Fiber in grams: 0


Sum: 8 ounces [twice as much as the meat above]

Calories: 227 [discount by 10%-30% because of high fiber content]

Fat grams: .09

Protein grams: 17.9

Fiber in grams: 15


Supplements & Beans

Beans are stacked with supplements that our bodies need:

B Vitamins: are essential for sound cerebrum and nerve cells, for ordinary working of the skin, nerves and digestive framework.

Calcium: for solid bones and teeth and to help keep the body more basic, as opposed to acidic.
Beans are generous and are a decent different option for high-fat protein sources like red meat.

In the Nurses Health Study of 83,818 ladies, specialists found that ladies who ate peanuts and nutty spread had a lower danger of sort 2 diabetes. Peanuts, which in fact are viewed as a vegetable, are high in solid fats, magnesium and fiber.

Beans you might not have known about but rather are justified regardless of an attempt: mung, adzuzki and cranberry.

What You Can Do With Beans

You can purchase dry beans and douse them overnight. On the off chance that you purchase canned beans, wash them before utilizing to evacuate a percentage of the included sodium.

Hummus - for a snappy plunge, purée a 15-ounce jar of chick peas, ¼ container sans fat plain Greek yogurt with olive oil, minced garlic, lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper to taste, and a dash of paprika. Present with toasted entire wheat pita triangles and crisp vegetables for plunging.

Add to soups, plates of mixed greens, stews and bean stew

Add to pasta

Serve as a side dish

Beans are a super sound, super adaptable and super moderate nourishment. Beans are high in cancer prevention agents, fiber, protein, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc. Eating beans routinely may diminish the danger of diabetes, coronary illness, colorectal tumor, and assists with weight administration. Beans are healthy, helping you feel full so you will have a tendency to eat less.

What Beans Can Do for You

All vegetables, for example, kidney, dark, white and red beans, chick peas and lentils give medical advantages.

Counting beans in your eating regimen a few times each week may diminish the danger of colorectal adenomas (polyps), which might thus bring down the danger of colorectal malignancy.

Eating beans frequently may bring down the danger of coronary illness.

The Shanghai Women's Health Study took a gander at the vegetable utilization of more than 64,000 ladies and their danger of creating sort 2 diabetes. Specialists found that utilization of vegetables, especially soybeans, was conversely connected with the danger of sort 2 diabetes. The more vegetables these ladies ate, the bring down their danger of getting sort 2 diabete

Potassium: aides diminish the danger of hypertension and stroke.

Folate: a B vitamin that our bodies don't deliver yet dry beans are our single best wellspring of this vital vitamin which aides ensure against coronary illness and malignancy.

These Healthy Beans Are Inexpensive

Beans are shoddy! Actually, there is nothing, literally nothing, in the supermarket that is a greater deal than beans, peas and lentils. Recently I purchased a whole pound of dark looked at peas for $1.29. In all actuality, I ordinarily pay more than that in light of the fact that I quite often purchase natural beans. In any case, even those children are just about twofold the cost of the ones developed with chemicals. Considering their nutritious punch, there just is nothing in the store that is a superior purchase than beans. Look at the dried beans and lentils in your store and see for yourself. Furthermore, on the off chance that you can purchase them in mass, the way I do, they're significantly less expensive.

A Huge Variety Of Beans

* soy beans

* garbanzo beans

* adzuki beans

* lima beans

* red lentils

* green lentils

* chestnut lentils

* dark beans

* dark looked at peas

* wide beans

* red beans

* spread beans

* fava beans

* incredible northern beans

* haricot beans

* mung beans

* naval force beans

* pinto beans

* yellow part peas

* green part peas

* white beans

Adaptable, Healthy Nutrition

It's difficult to try and think about what number of bean formulas exist on this planet. One thing is without a doubt – the number is in the several thousands and in all likelihood the millions. In the event that I appointed you the errand of posting 100 diverse bean formulas, you could surely do it. So with an end goal to strengthen their flexibility, here are some real headings:

Oshunpidan Christopher 
19, Command Road, Ipaja, Lagos.
Tel: 08061241014
All right Reserved @ Copyright owner of Koljoks Bizness Innovation (2015 Edition)

The contents of this website, text, images, e-products are sold or distributed
by Oshunpidan  Christopher's Insider's Circle, are owned by Oshunpidan Christopher and Koljoks Bizness Innovations and protected under the Nigerian Copyright Act pursuant to Nigeria and International Copyright Laws. Copy/Edit/Use of our contents without my express written permission and you WILL be subject to the maximum fine/penalty imposed by the Law
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Monday 15 June 2015


Let talk discuss about this topic.

Can Bread Harm Your Heart?

send your comment.

Friday 12 June 2015

Sexual Conditions

Sexual Conditions Health

Types & Causes

Learn about some of the many types of sexual conditions.

Sex is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, but it's hard to feel sexy or intimate with your partner when you have sexual performance anxiety.

About 10% of women have never had an orgasm -- either with a partner or during masturbation.

Paraphilias are problems with controlling impulses that are characterized by recurrent and intense sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviors involving unusual objects, activities, or situations not considered sexually arousing to others.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a small organism called Trichomonas vaginalis.

Human papillomavirus or HPV is an easily transmitted virus that causes genital warts. Because it also increases risk of cervical or penile cancer, it’s good to get an annual checkup.

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. This overview provides symptoms to watch for and treatment information.

If not treated gonorrhea can cause serious and permanent problems in both men and women. Here’s what you should know.

This serious infection can cause long-term health problems like arthritis, brain damage, and blindness -- unless it is treated. Know the symptoms.

Genital herpes is a common and highly contagious infection usually spread through sex. Usually this infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2).

Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Infection with this virus can cause scarring of the liver, liver failure, liver cancer, and even death.

Intercourse pain, or dyspareunia, can cause problems in a couple's sexual relationship. In addition to the physically painful sex, there is also the possibility of negative emotional effects, so the problem should be addressed as soon as it becomes evident.

Vaginitis is infection or inflammation of the vagina. It can cause itching and burning, a change in vaginal discharge, and sometimes pain during sex.

When a woman has vaginismus, the muscle walls of her vagina contract or spasm in response to attempted insertion, for example, with a tampon or penis

Estosterone isn't the only fuel for a man's sex drive and performance. But low testosterone can reduce your ability to have satisfying sex.


Commonly Abused Prescription

Commonly Abused Prescription and OTC Drugs

Close-up of a young man holding a pill bottle

Drug Abuse

Drug abuse isn't just about street drugs. Besides marijuana, legal medicines are the most commonly abused drugs in the U.S. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs can help and heal us. But some can be addictive and dangerous if they’re used the wrong way.
Keep your family safe. Use this guide to help you spot some commonly misused medicines. Because drugs come in many forms, not all pills and tablets are shown. Drug pictures are not to scale.

Wednesday 10 June 2015



How I Solved The Embarrassment Of Lasting Less than 5 Minutes on Bed With Natural Secret.
strictly for 18+ information

I was made to believe that I could not perform more than 5 minutes, it was the greatest issues of my life that seriously bordered me, and it nearly push to commit succide, since all ladies are running away from  me.
But today is another story, I can last for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Hi Friends,
I am  Christopher, the guy that went from last from 5 minutes to 30 minutes or more.
One of my goal in life is to see as many people as possible to live  happily, healthy and be in a good relationship.
Over the year, I have make a lot of research to know what exactly is the cause of pre-mature ejaculation and the cure.
during the cause of my research, I met with a lot of couples to get some facts, which am going to share with you in this report.
The next report on this page is very vital and important and strictly for 18 years old and above, contain sensitive pictures to implement the information I want to pass accross,
If you think you are below 18, this pictures may be offensive in nature, kindly close the browser.
My Secret is Natural 
  • You see Bad effect of pre Ejaculation would  bring these

    She will suffer emotional trauma

    She will loose confident in her man

    She will become promiscuous

    She will start making Issues out of nothing

    She will be avoiding  having SEX

    It destroys harmony with her man

    She becomes not serious about the relationship
But before I will continue to tell you the story,
Here are some piece of information that can help you in boosting your sexual performance.
Every guys want sex, 9 out of 10 want it, in short, once a male child reach the age of puberty they start dreaming of testing their ability on bed.
That is the way God created us, a boy john thomas must give a strong signal when he wake up in the morning, and it is a proof that he is going to perform better when the time come.
The natural figure of a ladies makes us to believe that these sensitive part of a ladies, even when untouched will quickly send a fast signal to make sensitive organ.
Yeee! see the two pointers

Waoo!  see her back

This one Na die

Ben Joystick must rise seen this

This kind of story is very rampant every where,  I am not left out of this, once I sited a pointed nipples or the backside of a woman, my pennis will begin to tear my trouser apart for a taste.

But my number one thought or what will first come to my mind is how to last long on bed, that is where my problem is


Out of 5 men, only 2 or 3 would be able to last for 20 minutes, and one thing that is sure is that if you fail to satisfy women sexually, that is when they become promiscuous and begin to look for satisfaction outside, this is not a joke but the real fact.
I remember whenever I wanted to have sex, I always take a drug to help myself but at the end of all the show, is still the same old story, Infact, I can not count the numbers of girl friend I have lost, because of this same problem that is causing me a lot of embarrasement, many time I would come before penetrating. I found shameful thing to tell anybody, until one day when I found the solution and that is exactly what am going to show you in this report.

 I discovered the secret that makes me last for more than 30 minutes to 1 hours and I can flog any ladies that comes my way.

Get this same secret  today on how to stop Premature ejaculation- And how you can use simple methods to start lasting longer today without taking any pills or herbs.

 Discover the same secret I use to put an end to this embarrassment of Quick/Premature Ejaculation 
Last more than 30 minutes in Bed tonight, Give her all the satisfaction she has been missing and let her ask for more.

Do you want to put an end to quick/premature ejaculation today?
If all I have said sound reasonable to you, and exactly what is happening to you, and you feel like getting rid of it before destroying your relationship, you have to make up your mind to do exactly what I did the last 2years to solve the problem, since then I have a firm relationship, and that is why I make up my mind to use the same skill and techniques I use for my own, to help them solve their problem.
End Pre-Mature Ejaculation  Fast and beging to take control.

It goes beyond delaying ejaculation and take control today
Just N3,500
To get it right away
Pay N3,500 to the account Below and the secret will be sent to your mail instantly.
Account Name: Oshunpidan Christopher
Account No.:    0036729361
After payment send your payment details to: or 08061241014.
Once your payment is confirmed your report will be forwarded instantly.

Oshunpidan Christopher 
19, Command Road, Ipaja, Lagos.
Tel: 08061241014
All right Reserved @ Copyright owner of Koljoks Bizness Innovation (2015 Edition)

The contents of this website, text, images, e-products are sold or distributed
by Oshunpidan  Christopher's Insider's Circle, are owned by Oshunpidan Christopher and Koljoks Bizness Innovations and protected under the Nigerian Copyright Act pursuant to Nigeria and International Copyright Laws. Copy/Edit/Use of our contents without my express written permission and you WILL be subject to the maximum fine/penalty imposed by the Law

Friday 5 June 2015


The Benefits of Eating Pears

Pears are a nutritious source of fiber.
Pears are a nutritious source of fiber.
A fresh, juicy pear is a fall treat you might anticipate all year, and when you eat one, you're doing something good for your health. Pears are an impressive source of fiber, and they also contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy. Pears come in a range of colors and they're inexpensive, making them a smart addition to your healthy eating plan.

Digestive Benefits

One medium-sized pear contains 5.5 grams of fiber toward your daily goal of 21 to 38 grams. When you eat plenty of fiber, your digestive system works the way it's supposed to. Fiber helps your body absorb the vitamins and minerals from your food. It also helps prevent and relieve constipation and can keep you from developing painful hemorrhoids as well.

Nutritional Benefits

A medium-sized pear supplies 212 milligrams of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps your heart beat normally and keeps your muscles working the way they are supposed to. The same pear contains 7.5 milligrams of vitamin C, which is about 10 percent of your daily needs. Vitamin C helps prevent infection and keeps your immune system strong. Pears also supply a good dose of vitamin K to help clot your blood, as well as vitamin A for your eyes.

Health Benefits

The fiber in a pear helps keep your heart healthy and might reduce your risk of certain types of cancer as well. A pear a day might also keep you from having a stroke. A 2011 article published by the American Heart Association reports that eating one pear a day can reduce your risk of stroke by as much as 52 percent. Pears might also cut your risk of dying from heart disease. A 2007 article published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" notes that the flavonoids in pears might lower your risk of heart disease, as well as death associated with heart disease.

Eating Pears

Fresh pears are your healthiest choice, but canned pears can also be beneficial to your health. If you eat canned pears, choose versions packed in 100 percent fruit juice rather than syrup because they contain no added sugar. Chop a pear into bite-sized pieces and add it to a fruit salad, or stir the pieces into a carton of low-fat yogurt. Replace the jelly in your peanut butter sandwich with thin slices of pear, or add pear slices to a tossed green salad. Cut a pear into quarters and brush it with a small amount of butter. Sprinkle the pear with cinnamon and nutmeg and broil it until it's soft for a tasty and nutritious dessert.

Cancer Prevention 
Pears can also protect us from varying types of cancer. In addition to binding to cholesterol, the fiber in pears can also bind to and help remove cancer-causing chemicals in the colon, thus reducing risk of colon cancer. Studies have also shown that eating fiber-rich fruits such as pears can reduce risk of break cancer by 34 percent in post-menopausal women.

Hypoallergenic Fruit 

Although few studies have been done on the subject, doctors generally consider pears to be a hypoallergenic fruit because they are less likely than other fruits to produce an allergic response when eaten. For this reason, pears are generally considered “safe” and are often one of the first fruits given to infants.

Control Diabetes 

Because they are high in fiber and have a low glycemic index, pears make a smart snack for those with diabetes. The bloodstream slowly absorbs a pear’s carbs (just about 26 grams per pear), preventing a spike in blood sugar and helping to control blood glucose levels. Lightly sweet, pears can also satisfy the sweet tooth in a healthier way than other sweets.

Eating Pears

The typical pear season runs from August to October, but with so many varieties of pear, you’re likely to find some variety in season where you are. Pears ripen from the inside out, so to tell if your pear is ready to eat or not, check the neck (skinniest part of the pear) by applying gentle pressure. Along with apples, pears are part of the rose family, and like apples, many of the health benefits of pears can be found in the fruit’s skin—meaning for maximum health benefits, eat pears with the skin left on.